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Gua Sha Massage

Gua Sha is used in China for more than two thousand years, gua sha means to scrape toxins. A method of promoting blood circulation and removing toxic heat, blood, and lymph from the body, gua sha involves scraping the skin with a flat tool to facilitate pain relief. Olive oil and herbs are usually applied to the skin to open pores, increase deep cleansing, and improve circulation.


Benefits of Deep Tissue Message:

The benefits of deep tissue massage therapy is similar to Swedish massage, but the deeper pressure is beneficial in releasing the chronic muscle. Deep tissue massage has several therapeutic effects and can be used to treat many different conditions.

  • Chronic pain.
  • Lower back pain.
  • Postural problems.
  • Muscle tension
  • Recovery from injuries
  • Strain injury.

Benefits of Gua Sha Massage:

There are a handful of studies that show promising results. Here are all of the benefits associated with the ancient healing practice:

  • Neck pain
  • Hepatitis B
  • Migraine headaches
  • Breast engorgement
  • Tourette syndrome
  • Perimenopausal syndrome

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